Executive Education

I deliver Executive Education programs and facilitate a variety of group sessions to help develop your team’s skills and improve their productivity. All of the following courses and programs can be customized to better serve your training and development goals. Please contact me to discuss how I can help boost your team’s performance and increase their motivation through one of my highly energetic and interactive workshop or facilitated team meeting.

Executive Education

Strategic Thinking 

Participants will learn about their unique “innovation personality” and how it fits into the overall strategic thinking process. The workshop focuses on how to scan the business environment for opportunities and threats while developing innovative solutions to problems. Participants will compete in a team-based innovation challenge where each team will endeavor to grow a new business in a simulated business environment.

How to Coach Employees

Business leaders and managers are under increasing pressure to coach rather than command their employees. Coaching allows genuine conversations to occur where an employee can get clarity about their goals, identify their blind-spots, become accountable for their actions while increasing their level of career satisfaction and professional productivity. 

DISC for Communication and Leadership

People are different but they are different in predictable ways. The DISC personality assessment measures communication and behavioral styles. Understanding these styles can help improve selling effectiveness, team cohesiveness, leadership skills, and much more. Includes an online DISC assessment.

Sales Training

This program will boost your sellers ability to connect with prospects and generate revenue. The sales training course is composed of nine modules. Each module is approximately one hour in length of delivery time but  role-play and interactive activities can be added to create a customized training experience. Module include:

  1. Characteristics of Effective Sales Professionals

  2. Buyer Personas and Purchase Decision Making Processes

  3. Effective Introductions/First Contact with Prospects

  4. Discovery Process

  5. Powerful Questions

  6. Networking and Personal Brand

  7. Working with Gatekeepers

  8. Handling Objections

  9. Effective Communication Skills

Teamwork and Leadership (The Everest Simulation) 

Participants play specific roles on team composed of 5-6 members. The teams work to achieve personal and team-based goals in a simulated, online environment. The workshop emphasizes communication, collaboration, and social cohesion as the keys to overcome a series of challenges. The session a facilitated problem solving session to develop team operating guidelines or other initiative to apply the newfound team skills and have an immediate impact on the organization’s operational effectiveness.

Mastermind Group (customized for each group)

A facilitated, ongoing group coaching session for business leaders, executives, and/or high potential employees in your organization. The group coaching environment allows for a regular strategic break where participants take stock of their current challenges and opportunities, evaluate their next steps, and develop detailed plans for execution. The group format has built in accountability via the facilitator and fellow participants who hold each accountable for following through on plans and dealing with unexpected disruptions.

Creativity and Innovation in Business

Boost your team’s ability to generate creative ideas for new products, services and programs. Creativity can be learned and this workshop will arm you with a tool box of creativity enhancing activities and behaviors.

Strategic Marketing

Organizations can increase the success rate of their ventures by developing an understanding of the strategic role of marketing. Marketing is often erroneously viewed as simply advertising but the core roles of marketing encompass a wide variety of critical tasks inside an organization including the discovery of market opportunities, development of new product concepts, creation pricing strategies and creation of sales teams and distribution channels. This workshop will provide participants a fundamental understanding of the topics listed below.

  •  Market opportunity analysis

  •  Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning

  •  Product and service strategies

  •  Technical product life cycle

  •  Branding strategies

  •  Sales channel design

  •  Strategic pricing

  •  Promotional planning and execution

  •  Sales forecasting

  •  Marketing analytics

  •  Social media

  •  Networking and relationship management

  •  Unique selling propositions

  •  Professional selling skills

  •  Sales technology